Next lesson you will be sitting your Unit 2 Assessment on Hardware.
For this lesson, please complete the following:
- Make sure you have completed all worksheets you have done.
- Collect your book and make sure all pages are stuck in. If you can do this in order (the numbers are on them) then this would be even better. You should have no loose sheets of paper in your book.
- Refer to the Unit 2 Assessment you sat before we started the unit, this will be similar to the assessment you will sit next lesson. Use green pens to complete work/go over work from before.
- Use the highlighters to highlight key points from your work on Hardware that you feel may be relevant to the assessment.
- Use the following links to complete additional independent research. This will also be you homework (please write this in your planner).
- CPU - Central Processing Unit - what does it do? (Brain of the computer...)
- ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit - what 2 things does it do?
- Fetch > Decode > Execute cycle - 4 marks - what do they mean?
- RAM - Holds what is currently in use - what could that be on a computer you are using right now?
- More RAM - more space to think...
- RAM/ROM - what do their meanings actually mean?
- Cache - Space for the CPU to think
- Input and Output devices of a tablet
- Secondary Storage (memory) - is not a backup! So what is Primary? So what is Secondary?
- Solid State v Magnetic - clunk click
- Flash Memory - Like a memory stick!