Scratch Lesson 1 - Sprites, Scripts and Stages

LO: Demonstrate importing and editing sprites using Scratch

Unit 1 Scratch Programming Evidence Document

Wildern Step 10,11 and 12

STARTER: Create a character for a computer game using this online resource PixelArt

If you get stuck, this video may help!

PixelArt Character Design Sheet

TASK 1: Import sprites into Scratch and then add some basic programming scripts for the main character to follow.

Again, this video may help you!

TASK 2: Import an additional 'enemy' sprite that you will use in a future lesson

TASK 3: Import or create a background for your game

PLENARY: Screenshot what you have done today and add to lesson 1 of your Evidence Document

HWK: Task 6 in your Blue booklets - Scratch Keywords - Due to Mr Smith 14/01/16