Year 9 - What you should have - Checklist!

You need to download and save into your folder all of the following...

By the end of this project you should have completed:

Make sure you use after school times to complete your game!

Kodu Lesson 1

LO1: Understand how to use the terrain tools and control character’s movement using Kodu Game Lab

Red - You will have created a simple world using Kodu
Amber - You will have added objects into your world
Green - You will have programmed some of the objects in your world



Launch Kodu from All Programs > ICT and Business > Kodu Game Lab

RED TASK: Create a world in Kodu

AMBER TASK: Adding Objects

GREEN TASK: Programming Objects

EXTENSION TASK: Adding Game-play


1. Create a folder in your Sites > ICT > Unit 2> called Kodu
2. Save and Export your game

Y9 Python Training!

LO to investigate and develop an understanding of a programming language using Python

In the following Computing lessons you will be developing your key skills in Python programming for your Computing GCSE

  1. Create a folder in your Sites folder called GCSE Computing and then make one inside that called Python Training
  2. From the Start menu select ALL PROGRAMS > ICT & BUSINESS > IDLE (Python GUI)
  3. For each new program created you have to start a new Python file by clicking File > New
  4. Save each program you make in your new Python Training folder
Complete the following tutorials in order...

  1. Open the IDLE (GUI) from the Start menu
  2. Go to File > New
  3. Create a program that will say "I am about to start lesson 2 of Python"
  4. Save and Run the program 

  1. Open the IDLE (GUI) from the Start menu
  2. Go to File > New
  3. Create a program that will say "What is your name?", allow you to enter your name and show you a suitable reply.
  4. Save and Run the program 
ONLY move onto Lesson 3 once Lesson 2 is complete....

  1. Open the IDLE (GUI) from the Start menu
  2. Go to File > New

  1. Open the IDLE (GUI) from the Start menu
  2. Go to File > New

  1. Open the IDLE (GUI) from the Start menu
  2. Go to File > New

LESSON 7 Example Controlled Assessment:
  1. Open the IDLE (GUI) from the Start menu
  2. Go to File > New

CiDA Checklist

Your game should include the following:

  • Menu Screen
  • Instructions Screen
  • Back story Screen
  • At least 3 levels (possibly 5)
  • Lose Screen
  • Win Screen
Your deadline for completing your game IN LESSON TIME is HALF TERM. After that it needs to be completed in your own time...

KS3 Skills Building - Adobe Photoshop

LO1 - Learn and practice appropriate Photo shop skills, in order to apply them to a "Montage"
Red - You will have created a montage
Amber - You will have used a varaiety of Photoshop tools
Green - You will expanded your montage to include even more images


Look at the example Montage - what skills will you need to learn?

Follow these steps:
Find a background image on google and right click, copy image
In Photoshop, choose File new and it will make the canvas the right size. Paste the background image in.
Choose another image - a person - animal / thing for example and repeat the process.
Using the Magnetic Lasso tool cut around your person / animal / thing (keep clicking to keep accurate)
(backspace key if you go wrong)
Cut your person out and paste him / her onto the background
Select another image - right click copy - file new, name and paste
Repeat the process with the magnetic lassoo tool - cut and paste - new layer - name your layers


RED TASK - Put a famous person on /against a famous landmark/ eating something really random - 
For example - Rihanna up the Eiffel Tower eating a bowl of snails

AMBER TASK - Try to use as many of these tools as you can - if you can't locate the 
appropriate tools in Photo Shop then google !

Drop Shadow
Outer Glow
Free Transform
Quick Selection

GREEN FOR GREEN - Complete the Photoshop Tools and Techniques Worksheet

Plenary - Moving On:
What's a Montage?
How do you feel after this lesson (3 adjectives)
What else would you like to learn in Photoshop?

KS3 Skills Building - Fireworks Animation

LO1 Develop animation skills using Adobe Fireworks

Outcomes: You will be able to create a simple animation


Main Task 1

CLICK HERE to open the bouncing ball tutorial
Try creating your own bouncing ball animation use Adobe Fireworks

Main Task 2

Try using what you have learnt to create an animation of your own. Try to create a story with a clear storyline (start, middle, end).

Receive feedback from a friend on how you could improve your animation. Make the improvements!


Be prepared to show your work

Y10 Web Exam Practise

  1. Open the ESCAPADES brief
  3. Manage Site to your new ESCAPADES project folder
  4. Click File > New Template to set up a new BLANK HTML template that looks appropriate
  5. Click on edge of template and set to 100% width
  6. Change some of the colours of your template
  7. Highlight all text in the white section of your template and click: Insert > Template Objects > Editable Region and click OK
  8. Save Template by clicking File > Save As Template and call it 'Template'. It should now be called template.dwt
  9. Create new pages by clicking File > New > Page from Template
    *If your template does not appear in the little window here, you have not done step 3 correctly - do it now!*
  10. Save your new HTML page by clicking File > Save As and saving it as an appropriate name (Home, Contact Us, etc...). This shouldnt Save in your templates folder
  11. Repeat step 9 and 10 as much as you need. These pages should all end .html

    Your template.dwt IS NOT your home page, do not put home page information on it, put this on your home.html page
  12. On your template, change the link names from 'Link One' to 'Home' and so on. Pressing Enter after 'Link Four' will create more space for more pages
  13. Highlight where you have written 'Home' and click the little folder icon at the bottom (next to Link), to link the text to your home page
  14. Repeat for all links

    When you 'Save' your template.dwt after making new .html pages, it SHOULD now ask you to 'update', which you should agree to

    After saving and updating your template, you will need to save each .html page too

Entry Level Certificate

What you need to do to complete the ELC:

  • Complete Scratch tasks
  • Complete annotation of screenshots
  • Complete what your game needs to do section
  • Complete Testing table
  • Complete Review
  • Complete Flowchart (follow example!)
  • Complete your name and details
  • Print your work and handing to me!
  • Complete and 'Hand in' your Trends in Computing googleslides

Scratch Programming Task - Entry Level Computing - Diamond Hunt

Job 1: Download this folder and unzip. Save to your Sites folder in a new folder called DIAMOND HUNT EVIDENCE - you should have 3 files

Scratch cards - These might help you

Diamond Hunt Evidence Template
Checklist - Use this to tick off when you have completed a task

Lesson 21 Resource 1 - Task Sheet
Lesson 21 Resource 2 - Diamond Hunt Game

Practice flowchart symbols
Flowchart symbols
Drag and Drop Activity Symbols
Drag and Drop Activity Alarm

Lesson 23 Resource 1 - Variable annotations
Lesson 24 Resource 1 - Repeat Until annotations
Lesson 25 Resource 1 - Practice Scratch Game - Broadcast

Year 10 Controlled Assessment Practice

Make a new folder called Escapades in your Sites folder and download and unzip:


Grab your books and design an Algorithm for:

  1. Getting ready/to school
  2. One of your choice

Use the BBC Bitesize link to revise/test yourself!


Using your Pseudocode knowledge, try to rewrite your 'Getting ready for school' algorithm as Pseudocode....

Y10/Y11 Computing Revision Lesson

Next lesson you will be sitting your Unit 2 Assessment on Hardware.

For this lesson, please complete the following:

  • Make sure you have completed all worksheets you have done.
  • Collect your book and make sure all pages are stuck in. If you can do this in order (the numbers are on them) then this would be even better. You should have no loose sheets of paper in your book.
  • Refer to the Unit 2 Assessment you sat before we started the unit, this will be similar to the assessment you will sit next lesson. Use green pens to complete work/go over work from before.
  • Use the highlighters to highlight key points from your work on Hardware that you feel may be relevant to the assessment.
  • Use the following links to complete additional independent research. This will also be you homework (please write this in your planner).
  • CPU - Central Processing Unit - what does it do? (Brain of the computer...)
  • ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit - what 2 things does it do?
  • Fetch > Decode > Execute cycle - 4 marks - what do they mean?
  • RAM - Holds what is currently in use - what could that be on a computer you are using right now?
  • More RAM - more space to think...
  • RAM/ROM - what do their meanings actually mean?
  • Cache - Space for the CPU to think
  • Input and Output devices of a tablet
  • Secondary Storage (memory) - is not a backup! So what is Primary? So what is Secondary?
  • Solid State v Magnetic - clunk click
  • Flash Memory - Like a memory stick!

Y10 Developing Web Products Checklist

REMEMBER: To manage your Site BEFORE you begin!

So far you should have made, and know how to do:

  • Create a new blank HTML Template
  • Make the template 100% width
  • Changed the colour scheme
  • Inserted an editable region
  • Created a banner
  • Added the banner to your template
  • Saved the template as a .dwt
  • Created pages from your template*
  • Linked these pages to your template
You now have to add details to your sites pages on how to create a website. Your pages should have different sections on this. On these new pages, you should have at least one example of the following:
  • Email link
  • Hotspot links
  • Links to other websites
  • Sound and Films
  • Applets
  • An inserted image that you have resized in Photoshop

*Possible pages for you to make
  • Home
  • Manage Site
  • Making a template
  • Changing how the template looks
  • How to make a banner
  • Making Pages
  • Extra Info
To find some suitable videos to add to your site, type the following into a new explorer window: \\\read\ and go to ICT > Mr Fenner > DA201 Web Development

Your booklet:

Y9 ELC Boolean Logic

LO: Demonstrate circuit building skills using online interactive resources

1. Draw 3 logic gates (AND, OR, NOT)

3. Take a screenshot of your work using the Snipping Tool, Save and upload to your blog as a new post titled 'Boolean Logic'.
4. Explain what the two advanced logic gates (above) mean and what is happening.
5. Define what is meant by AND, OR, NOT in language you can understand


6. Try to recreate these GCSE level Logic Gates

7. As before, screenshot this and add to your blog and explain what is happening.

Year 7 Scratch Lesson 3 - Variables

LO: To Create and program variables using Scratch

HWK: Please complete task 7 in your booklet to hand in to Mr Smith next lesson (11th Feb).

Year 9 Computing Test

For the year 9 exam week, year 9 ELCS pupils will be taking a test, which is a combination of the hardware, software and logic papers they have being doing.

Please click on the following link to access your YEAR 9 COMPUTING TEST

Pupils will need to log in to access the test and must select the correct class! Please can you double check pupils have chosen their correct class.

Creating and importing new sprites for Game Maker

Step 1: Double check the size of sprite required for your game. This will be different for each sprite you make.

Step 2: In Fireworks, make a new file the size of the sprite you need and set the canvas colour to transparent.

Step 3: Click on View then Show Grid.

Step 4: Click on View then Edit Grid. Set your grid to red (or another colour that is easy to see) and make the grid 2 x 2.

Step 5: Begin creating your character one pixel at a time.

Step 6: Until you have something like the example below.

Step 7: Save your sprite, making sure it is a .png file.

Step 8: In Game Maker, select your sprite and click Load Sprite to insert your changed design.

Step 9: If needed, repeat Step 7 and click on Edit Sprite and the Transform > Mirror/Flip to get your sprite facing the other way for your second sprite.

Functions in Python

Go to IDLE and open a new file
Copy the below and place in to the window:

    print ("    ,__           ")
    print ("   / /^\  ,____   ")
    print ("   \_), ^^  _, \  ")
    print ("      / @ @ \(_/  ")
    print ("  ___{_-.x.-_}__  ")
    print ("(_______________) ")
    print ("     |       |    ")
    print ("     |       |    ")
    print ("     |       |    ")
    print ("     |       |    ")
    print ("     |_______|    ")

Type in the rest of the code on slide 4 and 5 below

Attempt the challenge on slide 6


Annotate the loop code:
Label the variables
What does the print do?
What part is a string?
What does the code do?
What can we change to make a different outcome?

Y11 Comp Sci Revision

Please click on the following link to take the Y11 Test

Y11 Quiz

Code Combat!

Demonstrate Python coding skills using online resource

Log on and head to using Google Chrome

Work through the game considering the following points:

  • Formal notation
    • builds an understanding of the importance of syntax in programming.
  • Calling methods
    • familiarises students with the syntax of object-oriented method calls.
  • Parameters
    • trains how to pass parameters to functions.
  • Strings
    • teaches students about string notation and passing strings as parameters.
  • Loops
    • develops the abstraction of designing short programs with loops.

Game Maker

Develop skills in Game Maker in preparation for your actual game

Tutorial 1: Fruit Game
  1. Download the following folder and save the whole thing to your GCSE folder
  2. Locate and run Game Maker (Start Menu > All Programs > ICT & Business)
  3. Read and complete the 'Fruit' game tutorial which is displayed in the panels on the right hand side of your screens using the resources you downloaded
At this stage DO NOT use your own images OR edit the game in anyway from the guide. This may not be the sort of game you want to make, but it is a great starting point

Tutorial 2: Basic Platformer
  1. Download the following folder and save the whole thing to your GCSE folder
  2. Locate and run Game Maker (Start Menu > All Programs > ICT & Business)
  3. Use the files in the folder 'Worksheets' to complete the basic platform game

Tutorial 3: Advanced Platformer

This game will include a score, enemies, ways to defeat them and an end goal. This game will be the foundation for most of your actual games!
  1. Download the following folder and save the whole thing to your GCSE folder
  2. Locate and run Game Maker (Start Menu > All Programs > ICT & Business)
  3. Use the files in the folder 'Worksheets' to complete the advanced platform game

Scratch Lesson 1 - Sprites, Scripts and Stages

LO: Demonstrate importing and editing sprites using Scratch

Unit 1 Scratch Programming Evidence Document

Wildern Step 10,11 and 12

STARTER: Create a character for a computer game using this online resource PixelArt

If you get stuck, this video may help!

PixelArt Character Design Sheet

TASK 1: Import sprites into Scratch and then add some basic programming scripts for the main character to follow.

Again, this video may help you!

TASK 2: Import an additional 'enemy' sprite that you will use in a future lesson

TASK 3: Import or create a background for your game

PLENARY: Screenshot what you have done today and add to lesson 1 of your Evidence Document

HWK: Task 6 in your Blue booklets - Scratch Keywords - Due to Mr Smith 14/01/16

Year 8 Python Lesson 1

Understand and be able to use basic Python syntax

Starter: Download and save the Evidence Document for Python into your Year 8 area

Main: Your first piece of code 'Hello World'

  1. Follow the link to 
  2. Log in using your Wildern Google account
  3. Locate the Python section under 'All courses'

  4. Run Unit 1 Python Syntax and complete the course.
  5. REMEMBER to take screenshots of your progress as this will affect your step!
HWK: Log on to Code Academy at home and complete the Python Syntax Lesson - Due: Next Lesson

Software Revision

LO: Prepare for the forthcoming Software test

Using a new post on your ELC blog, create a revision page on the following terms:

  • What is Word Processing?
  • What does an Anti Virus program actually do?
  • What is application software?
  • What is system software?
  • How can you 'tidy up' your computer to improve performance?
  • What is a web browser?
  • What type of software is an Operating System?
  • What is file transfer?
  • What does formatting do?

HWK: Please access your blog and revise what you have covered today ready for the test next lesson.

Computing Hardware Quizzes