Hour of Code!

Year 7 Play Lab
Year 9 Starwars
Year 10 Minecraft
Year 11Flappy Birds

Cover Work

Year 10 and Year 8

Demonstrate Python coding skills using online resource

Log on and head to www.codecombat.com using Google Chrome

Work through the game considering the following points:

  • Formal notation
    • builds an understanding of the importance of syntax in programming.
  • Calling methods
    • familiarises students with the syntax of object-oriented method calls.
  • Parameters
    • trains how to pass parameters to functions.
  • Strings
    • teaches students about string notation and passing strings as parameters.
  • Loops
    • develops the abstraction of designing short programs with loops.

Year 11

Please continue with the work you were completing with Mr Dunn which was to play and review existing games and extracting details that you would like to include and would definitely not include!

Next lesson you will begin using GameMaker for the first time to begin developing your skills.

For the rest of this lesson, you should have completed the following:
  1. Complete a game overview 
  2. Annotated photos of your moodboard with feedback comments 
  3. Annotated storyboards for all screens and levels in your game 
  4. Complete a rules log

Y7 Unit 1 Assessment

LO - Explain your understanding of algorithms, based on online programming

Outcome - I will know you have reached this objective by completing the evidence document


Looking at the shape on the board, in pairs, have a go at thinking about the Pseudocode for it......

Development Part 1 ... 

Download this document and save it into your Sites folder. Choose whether you'd like support or try independently.
Open your Lightbot flow diagram from two lessons ago.

Open Lightbot by clicking here

Follow the instructions to complete the first page of the Evidence Sheet. The sentences are started for you.

Development Part 2 ...

Play Lightbot for 5 minutes

Complete the 2nd page of the Evidence Document by inserting a print screen and explaining what your screen print shows.


Check your partners SPAG!
Have they met the objective?
What questions do you still have? 

Unit 1 - Lesson 3 Pseudocode & Logo

LO: Apply sequencing techniques using pseudocode and interactive resource


Hand students the 10.1 Algorithm Game Worksheet and ask students to follow the steps on the front, drawing the image on the back. Check the 10.2 Algorithm Game Solution for the answer.

Discuss the points raised in the Reflection section of the worksheet


Task 1: Using Pseudocode

Show students the completed square in Logo. On paper, or using post it notes, ask students to list the steps required to complete the square, without using a flowchart, in a logical way.
Explain the importance of this being easy for a human to understand, but to avoid long descriptions. (high ability groups should aim to use some of the terminology in 10.5 Key Words - Pseudo Code document)

Pair and Share: In pairs pupils discuss why using the repeat function is useful (more efficient, less chance of errors, cut down the number of instructions etc.) Ask for feedback.

Task 2: Evidence

Students should then make an electronic copy of this pseudocode in their evidence document and annotate appropriately.

Task 3: Logo

Show pupils how to find Logo software (Start, Programs, ICT or online at http://www.j2e.com/logo.html) and ask them to create a square.

Groups: In groups, pupils to work out the correct syntax for a variety of shapes using L2 R2 Group Cards.

Share answers with the class using L2 R2 Group Answers.

Individually: Get pupils to have a go at creating basic shapes, looking at what happens if  they alter the variables. Allow them to use the group answers from previous activity as a start point.


More able classes can use this link for more advanced sequencing instructions http://learn.code.org/s/1/level/35


Students should open their evidence document and record and evaluate their progress this lesson.

Y10 List of what you need to do!

LO1 - To plan how you will use your time to ensure that you meet the coursework deadline

LO2 - To develop your Changing Worlds Coursework


Red - You will have completed at least 1 item on your checklist

Amber - You will have completed at least 2 items on your checklist

Green - You will have complete at least 3 items on your checklist


Look at your weekly action plan sheet 
Plan out what you will do in this week's lessons 


  1. Complete a game overview 
  2. Annotated photos of your moodboard with feedback comments 
  3. Annotated storyboards for all screens and levels in your game 
  4. Complete a rules log 
  5. Create the background screens in Adobe Fireworks or Photoshop 
  6. Create the backgrounds for your levels in Adobe Fireworks, Photoshop, Illustrator 
  7. Created my main character sprite in Adobe Illustrator 
  8. Create a working game interface screens using GameMaker 
  9. Put your own sprites into the game 
  10. Created working levels for your game 
  11. Added your own loading screen 
  12. Add your own favicon 
  13. Added your own sound effects to the game 
  14. Added your own music to the game 
  15. Make sure all images & sounds use are recorded in an assets table 
  16. All 4 parts of the development log fully filled in 
  17. A completed assets table
  18. Created an exe file of the game 
  19. Link exe file on website 
  20. Create a promo advert for your game 
  21. Save your promo advert as a video file 
  22. Link your video file to your website 
  23. Write a review of your game 


Find the 10p5 progress tracker on Google Drive
Add comments updating me on what improvements that you have made

Year 9 Future Worlds - Completed so far...

LO: Understand the requirements of the brief and complete set tasks accordingly

Your deadline for this task is: 20th November 2015

By this point you should have each of the following:

  • Completed Game overview document
    • Including teacher feedback and moodboard feedback
  • Moodboard
    • Completed electronically or on sugar paper
    • This then needs to be fully annotated explaining your choices and decisions
    • If your moodboard is on sugar paper, you will need to photograph it
  • Storyboards
    • Completed for each room/level of your game and including descriptions of your decisions
      • Main menu
      • Instructions
      • Back story
      • At least 3 levels
      • Win Screen
      • Lose Screen
    • These need to be photographed and save electronically
  • Once this is finished you need to work on the RULES LOG

Y8 Mid Unit Assessment

Summarise learning using a collection of evidence


Students should open their Unit 3 Logic Evidence document and proof-read the sections they have completed so far

Think about the Wildern Step you are on, what your target is, and what you can do right now, to improve your mark...


Task 1:

Using Sticky Notes from the Start Menu to set targets for the lesson

Task 2:

Students should complete any out the incomplete sections of the document and add in any further annotations to their screenshots

Task 3:

Students will need to complete the evaluation section of the document


  • Complete a self-assessment with the Unit 3 Assessment Guidance sheet
  • Hand in for teacher-assessment

Cover 13/11/15

Period 1 8x4 

LO: Demonstrate circuit building skills using online interactive resources


Challenge 1: Pedestrian Crossing

Can you create a pedestrian crossing circuit using Logic.ly or Logic Lab ?

Challenge 2: Christmas Tree Lights

Can you create a Christmas tree lights circuit using Logic.ly or Logic Lab ?

Challenge 3: Flashing Text Sign

Can you create a flashing text sign circuit using Logic.ly or Logic Lab ?

Screenshot evidence of your circuits to your Unit 3 Evidence Document (even if circuit is not finished)

Extension: Design your own circuit and represent it in the same way as above...

Period 2 10p5

LO: Understand the requirements of the brief and complete set tasks accordingly

By this point you should have each of the following:

  • Completed Game overview document
    • Including teacher feedback and moodboard feedback
  • Moodboard
    • Completed electronically or on sugar paper
    • This then needs to be fully annotated explaining your choices and decisions
    • If your moodboard is on sugar paper, you will need to photograph it
  • Storyboards
    • Completed for each room/level of your game and including descriptions of your decisions
      • Main menu
      • Instructions
      • Back story
      • At least 3 levels
      • Win Screen
      • Lose Screen
    • These need to be photographed and save electronically

Once this is finished you need to work on the RULES LOG

If this is all completed (some are very close to it, tracker is up to date) then they need to pick up where they left with their games and carry on.

How to run an Hour of Code!

Unit 1 - Lesson 2 Algorithms

*Have your Homework ready for me to see!*

LO: "Refine" your sequencing skills using flowcharts and apply these to online programming


Last week we made a flow chart for toast, tea and other every day events.

What can you remember?
What was easy or difficult about creating a flow chart/
What do all flowcharts start and end with?
Today we're going to apply flowcharts to online programming

DEVELOPMENT: ..... 15 minutes.

Open Lightbot in Google Chrome

Have a go at Level 1 of Lightbot by clicking here

As you are working through level 1, say out loud the instructions you are giving. Forward 1, Forward 2, Light Up etc..

Could you have a go at representing these instructions as a flow chart ?
Create your 'algorithm' according to the worksheet given.

Test it. Give your instructions to a partner. Can they follow them?


Algorithms QUIZ - How many did you get right?


Design a new level for Lightbot using the instructions you have learnt today! Due: 19/11/15

Computing Assessments - Unit 1 and Unit 2

BA2 recognise your own understanding of the Unit topics through formal assessment


Collect an assessment from last lesson that IS NOT yours OR IS NOT the assessment of someone you are sat next to!

Using a different colour pen than the assessment, be prepared to discuss answers as we move through the paper.

Using the green pens, correct any answers that your person may have got wrong - REMEMBER this is not your paper, so help them!

What 'GCSE grade have you achieved...?'


You are to sit assessment 2 even though you have not covered any of the topics so far - why?

You have 15 minutes


The remaining time should be spent using the internet to research the questions that you have missed/don't know. Fill these in on your sheets using green pen.

Y9 Hardware Assessment

LO: BA2 measure own understanding of Hardware devices and improve upon this through formal assessment

  • Today you are sitting your second assessment for what you have covered so far in Computer Science (Hardware)
  • Log on and head to www.mrfenner.co.uk


  • Create a new blog post that corrects the answers that you got wrong in assessment 1 (imagine this is your green pen exercise!). Don't be afraid to discuss your answers!
  • Post Title: Assessment 1 Hardware Review
  • Using the link for ICT Workout - www.ictworkout.co.uk, revise from the first 3 topics - paying special attention to the areas you got wrong in assessment 1.
  • Log on using the following details:
  • Username: wildern
  • Password: factor43
  • You will then be sitting your second assessment that we will be marking as a class before the end of the lesson!


  • Keywords: RAM, CPU, Input Device, Output Device

    Y9 Hardware Assessment

    LO: BA2 measure own understanding of Hardware devices through formal assessment

  • Today you are sitting an assessment for what you have covered so far in Computer Science
  • Log on and head to www.mrfenner.co.uk

    You now have a choice of revision:
  • Either:

  • Click on the link for ICT Workout - www.ictworkout.co.uk 

  • Revise from the first 3 topics

  • Log on using the following details

  • Username: wildern

  • Password: factor43

  • Or: 

  • Use the work you have covered in your folder/on your blogs to help you with your revision

  • Structure:

  • 10 minutes to revise

  • 10 minutes for the test  

  • 10 minutes to mark


    Year 11 Design Deadline

    LO: Understand the requirements of the brief and complete set tasks accordingly

    Your deadline for this task is: 13th November 2015

    By this point you should have each of the following:

    • Completed Game overview document
      • Including teacher feedback and moodboard feedback
    • Moodboard
      • Completed electronically or on sugar paper
      • This then needs to be fully annotated explaining your choices and decisions
      • If your moodboard is on sugar paper, you will need to photograph it
    • Storyboards
      • Completed for each room/level of your game and including descriptions of your decisions
        • Main menu
        • Instructions
        • Back story
        • At least 3 levels
        • Win Screen
        • Lose Screen
      • These need to be photographed and save electronically
    • Once this is finished you need to work on the RULES LOG

    Y7 Unit 1 - Lesson 1 Algorithms

    LO - Demonstrate sequencing skills using flowcharts


    The Human Robot versus Instructions!

    What happens if we give "bad" instructions?
    What implications does this have in the real world? Think traffic lights or robots in hospitals who dispense medicine?


    Create your own simple Algorithm
    • Find and launch Microsoft Word
    • Create a flowchart for a simple everyday task copying the one on the help sheet.
      • To insert the shapes, go to Insert, Shapes and find the flowchart shapes. Right click to add text. (Image below to help).

    For an added challenge, instead of copying the worksheet, use the same format but create one for making a hot chocolate.

    3) Save you flow chart in your Sites folder:

    File, Save As, find your name or network drive on the left hand side, find your Sites folder and save it in there - call it Flowchart 1.


    Apply your new knowledge - Annotate on your Word document in a text box what your flowchart means, if you can.

    Try the Algorithms Quiz here - Record your score on your folders! We'll do this again in a few weeks time.


    Task 3 of your blue homestudy booklets. Due Weds 11th November.

    Circuit Challenge

    LO: Demonstrate circuit building skills using online interactive resources


    Challenge 1: Pedestrian Crossing

    Challenge 2: Christmas Tree Lights

    Challenge 3: Flashing Text Sign

    Screenshot evidence of your circuits to your Unit 3 Evidence Document (even if circuit is not finished)

    GCSE Computing Unit 1 Assessment

    1. Today you are sitting an assessment for what you have covered so far in Computer Science
    2. Log on and head to www.mrfenner.co.uk
    3. Click on the link for ICT Workout - www.ictworkout.co.uk
    4. Log on using the following details

      Username: wildern
      Password: factor43

    5. You have 30 minutes to revise by looking at the various topics we have covered 
    6. Use the time to cover the areas you are not sure of!
    7. Complete the assessment

    7WA3 Setting up and Customising a Blog

    LO: To develop your understanding of blogs in order to create and customise your own

    Starter: What is a blog? When have you used one? How do they differ from websites?

    • Homestudy - OPTIONAL . Ready for first lesson back after half term. November 5th 
      • Customise your blog to suit your interests and the fact that it's a computing blog.
      • Remember this is a school blog, not a personal one and you must not put any photos of yourselves or personal details on it.
      • Add a blog post about how you have enjoyed about Computing this half term, and what you have found difficult.
      • If you can work out how, add a video or image to back up your writing

    Moodboards Future Worlds/Changing Worlds/Play and Learn

    For the scenario, please check here

    If you have begun yours on the computer then follow the following sheet: Moodboard checklist

    Remember 3 images per section.

    If you have made yours in PowerPoint, consider having 3 images per slide and then write about the reasons behind your ideas on the NOTES section.

    10p5: Click the link to find your moodboard photo (if you started yours on paper).